PowerBook 3400: Incompatible With FM Radio Extension

The extension "FM Radio Extension" causes a crash on PowerBook 3400 series computers if it is present when the computer starts up.
The FM Radio Extension is installed by the TV/FM Software v1.5.3 (or 1.5.4) which comes with the TV/FM Tuner card. There is no reason that this software should be installed on a PowerBook computer since the TV/FM Tuner card cannot be installed in a PowerBook computer.

If you think you may have installed this extension and your PowerBook computer is now crashing while starting up, follow these steps:
* Note: The Extensions Manager (accessed by holding down space bar at startup) will not recognize the FM Radio Extension,sSo you must start up with the Shift key held down which turns off all extensions.

This article was published in the Information Alley on 7 March 1997.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012