Numbers in Dollar format misalign in columns:
$45.66 $78.99 $55.33
98.66 33.45 23.99
44.55 14.75 34.76
23.56 44.89 34.66 |
because AppleWorks makes space for signifiying negative amounts with parentheses:
($45.66) ($78.99) ($55.33)
98.66 33.45 23.99
44.55 14.75 34.76
23.56 44.89 34.66 |
To get the remaining numbers to line up with the 'Dollar' formatted numbers, use the 'Commas' format, which makes space for the same parentheses but doesn't display a dollar sign:
$45.66 $78.99 $55.33
98.66 33.45 23.99
44.55 14.75 34.76
23.56 44.89 34.66 |