LaserWriter Driver 8.4.2: Change in New Version (3/97)

What are the new changes in the LaserWriter 8.4.2 driver that is installed with Mac OS 7.6?
LaserWriter driver version 8.4.2 had one single fix relating only to Adobe's PageMaker v6.0 and v6.01:

1) A problem was resolved where one extra blank page was printed at the end of every print job.

The updated version of Desktop PrintMonitor v2.0.2 also shipping with LaserWriter 8.4.2 in System 7.6 has a couple of fixes as well. They are:

1) Error type 15 and/or -192 occurring on Mac OS computers with a PowerPC card. These errors only occurred when trying to create, open, or print to a desktop printer.

2) Finder getting confused when a folder's directory ID matches that of the PrintMonitor Documents folder. Finder may not display that folder or its contents, and other strange behavior may occur with that specific folder.

This article appeared in the 4 March 1997 issue of the Information Alley.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012