HyperCard 2.x: Using The Dial Command (3/97)

I'm trying to use HyperCard 2.x's dial command to operate my modem, as described in the manual. I'm using the command:

dial "2551212" with modem "ATS0=0DT"

My GeoPort modem picks up and starts to dial, but then hangs up after 3 numbers. What's happening?

Starting with HyperCard 2.1, a new global property named "dialingTime" controls the amount of time the serial port will be kept open after a dial command.  By default, this is set to 3 seconds.  You can increase the time, as shown in the following sample script:

on mouseUp
 set the dialingTime to 600 -- (600 ticks = 10 seconds)
 dial "2551212" with modem "ATS0=0DT"
end mouseUp

For more information about the AT modem commands which can be used with your modem, consult your modem documentation.

This article was published in the 19 March 1997 "Information Alley."

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012