PowerBook 1400: No Caps Lock Extension With Mac OS 7.6 (6/97)

I just installed Mac OS 7.6 on my PowerBook 1400 and now when I press the Caps Lock key the icon does not appear in the menu bar. How do I get the icon back?
By default, the Mac OS 7.6 installer does not install the Caps Lock extension (which enables the menu bar icon), however, the extension can be custom installed. To custom install the Caps Lock extension with the Mac OS 7.6 Installer, follow the steps below:

NOTE: Some PowerBook 1400 computers shipped with Mac OS 7.6 installed, and they may not have the Caps Lock extension in the Extensions folder. In these cases, follow the same steps above to install the Caps Lock extension, but use the PowerBook 1400 System CD that comes with the computer instead of the Mac OS 7.6 CD.

This article was published in the 1 April 1997 "Information Alley.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012