Apple Video Player: Radio Sound Only (4/97)

When the Apple Video Player and Apple FM Radio are both open, you will only hear the audio from the radio even when the TV is the foreground process.

You can watch TV and listen to the radio at the same time, but the radio sound takes precedence. To hear the TV, make sure you have quit the Apple FM Radio application. To do so, click the FM Radio window to make it active, then choose Quit from the File menu.

NOTE: The radio sound doesn't work if Video or S-Video is selected in the
Apple Video Player application (even if that application isn't currently open). Open the Apple Video Player application and choose Show Controls from the Windows menu. Click the video screen icon (the second button down on the left). Choose TV as your video source. You can then quit the Apple Video Player application. Now when you open the Apple FM Radio application, you will hear radio.

This article was published in the 7 April 1997 "Information Alley."

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012