The Small Business Macintosh 4400/6500 computers ship with the Apple Internet Connection Kit version 1.2. Part of this kit is the Config PPP control panel. Users can find this control panel by following this path on their hard disk:
Hard Disk:Applications:Internet Utilities:Config PPP:Config PPP
By opening a Terminal Window with this control panel, users can issue standard AT commands to their built-in GeoPort modem. To enter standard AT commands, users can follow the steps below:
1. Open the TCP/IP control panel.
2. Choose PPP in the Connect Via pop-up menu.
3. Close the TCP/IP control panel saving the settings.
4. Open the Config PPP control panel.
5. Click the Terminal Window checkbox option.
6. Click the Open button.
7. Users can issue AT commands in the Terminal Window that appears on the screen. NOTE: After exiting the terminal window, a dialog indicating connection status may appear and remain on the screen for up to one minute. This is normal.