AppleShare: Extracting MacsBug Log From Crashed Server

This article describes how to extract a MacsBug log file from a crashed AppleShare server.
Because you often cannot save a MacsBug log file on a crashed server, you usually have to write them down by hand. This is time consuming and inaccurate. There is an alternative, however. Here are the steps necessary to send your MacsBug log to another computer.

While the server is operating normally, you must:

1) Go to Chooser, and select the ImageWriter printer driver.

2) Select the AppleTalk/Printer port.

3) Close the Chooser.

If The Server Crashes
If the server crashes, do the following:

1) Connect another computer to the AppleTalk/Printer port.

2) Start a communications program on that computer with the following settings:
- Handshake: none
- Stop Bits: 1
- Parity: none
- Data Bits: 8
- Baud Rate: 9600
(common Macintosh programs include ClarisWorks, SITComm, ZTerm, and Black Night)

3) Turn on capture to save the session to a file. Each communications program has its own method for capturing a session to a file.

4) On the server, type 'log Printer', without the quotes. This sends all subsequent MacsBug logging to the serial port and the console.

5) Do any logging in MacsBug required. Note that running a 'stdlog' closes the logfile when done, and resets the logging output to the console only.

6) If you have not run 'stdlog', type 'log' at the console; this closes the log, and resets the logging output to the console only.

7) Stop the communications program.

The capture file should now contain all the logging results.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012