ProDOS 8 v1.3 and 16 were changed to solve this problem, first reported in the January 1986 issue of Open Apple. An Applesoft solution appears in the November 1986 issue in an article entitled "ProDOS bug found in Australia".
The beginning code of the driver performs a series of instructions intended to de-activate any UniDisk 3.5's that may happen to be on line.
The problem occurs when these instructions cause a clash on the disk drive port data lines. The clash may put in write mode any 5.25" disk drive (Disk II, UniDisk, Apple 5.25, DuoDisk, or Apple IIc external drive). ProDOS 1.1.1 and ProDOS 8 v1.2 do not check for this re-setting, so they act as if the 5.25 drive were in the read-only state (which it is under normal circumstances).
The next time these versions of ProDOS attempt to access a 5.25 disk, they wipe out what they would normally read. In many cases, the directory is wiped out because many applications check the directory in order to open a file.