The amount of LaserWriter RAM required for Adobe typefaces are given below.
When a LaserWriter receives its first downloadable typeface file, memory is
loaded with information that is global to all the typeface files. This
happens just once and takes, at most, 10K of LaserWriter RAM.
After the first typeface file is sent to the printer with the extra global
information, all following typeface files will only take the amount of
approximated memory shown below.
Note that Oblique faces have two numbers associated with them: the first
represents the amount of memory used if the main face has been previously
downloaded (such as the Roman version of that face), and the second number
represents memory taken if the main face does not reside in memory, although
you may need to account for the one-time-hit mentioned above.
Adobe downloadable fonts, with memory required (in bytes):
Roman Light Medium Bold Demi Book
ITC American Typewriter 33K 34K
ITC Avant Garde Gothic 22K 21K
Oblique 3K/26K 3K/26K
ITC Benguiat 26K 25K
ITC Bookman 25K 25K
Italic 26K 25K
ITC Friz Quadrata 25K
(Regular - 24K bytes required)
ITC Garamond 33K 35K
Italic 33K 35K
ITC Glypha 23K 25K
Oblique 3K/28K 4K/30K
ITC Lubalin Graph 24K 22K
Oblique 5K/30K 3K/28K
ITC Machine 13K
New Century Schoolbook 29K 30K
Italic 28K 28K
Palatino 27K 28K
Italic 32K 35K
ITC Souvenir 28K 28K
Italic 30K 29K
ITC Zapf Chancery Italic 26K
ITC Zapf Dingbats 37K
Roman Light Medium Bold Demi Book