Apple IIe: Keyboard and keypad in Apple IIGS upgrades

When upgraded to an Apple IIGS, two different Apple IIe systems will behave
exactly the same as the Apple IIGS: an Apple IIe with an external numeric
keypad and a new Apple IIe with built-in numeric keypad. The "ESC" is mapped
as a "Clear" on both systems. Remember, you still have extra keys on the IIe
numeric pad.

Once an Apple IIe is upgraded, the keyboard behaves the same as the Apple
IIGS keyboard. Remember, the Solid Apple Key is now the 'Option' key. Since
there is a place on the motherboard labeled "NUMERIC KEYPAD", a connected
keypad behaves the same as on the Apple IIGS keypad and then some. It is, of
course, laid out differently, but all the keys that are on the IIGS keypad
are on the IIe keypad. The extra keys available are: space, comma, "(", ")",
and the left and right arrows. The "ESC" key is now the IIGS "Clear" key, and
the "Print key" is now an "=".

An Apple IIe with a keyboard and keypad connected to an Apple IIGS
motherboard in the upgrade does not affect operation of the Apple Desktop
Bus. The DeskTop Bus continues to operate fine, regardless of what is hooked
up via the Keyboard or Numeric pad connectors. It is possible to have both
new and old keyboards hooked up and functional at the same time.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012