Apple IIGS: Keyboard Connector

This article last reviewed:10 November 1988

A problem concerning the connectors present on release Apple IIGS motherboards
comes out of the fact that certain Special Education devices require the use
of the keyboard connector (not the Game I/O) for different input devices.

The keyboard connector sockets aren't mounted on the Apple IIGS motherboard
in the systems that will ship to customers; the connectors only are mounted
on Apple IIGS IIe upgrade boards.

Depending on size of order, Manufacturing may do a special Apple IIGS build
with keyboard and numeric keypad connectors. You should have your Sales
Representative go through normal channels to investigate.

On a single unit basis, there is no way for Apple to add the connectors to an
Apple IIGS board. However, all of the electronics for the external keyboard
connectors exists on current Apple IIGS units. If you can find the connectors,
it is possible to solder them in.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012