AppleShare Workstation: Switch Launching

While using an AppleShare workstation, you can switch launch to an old Finder
(even one that is not "Appleshare aware") and still be connected to
If you do so, however, you will not get the new icons that signify access
privileges to various folders; the only icon you will see is the normal white
one. However, even though this signifies the ability to see files within that
folder on an AppleShare volume, you will not have any more ability to view
the contents of folders than you had under Finder 5.4. This is because access
control checking is done in the server, not by the Finder; you get the icon
that says you have access to a folder because that's the only folder icon
that the older Finders have.

Switch launching loads the System and Finder of a non-startup disk into the
Macintosh. Launching is double-clicking on an icon, and switch launching
switches the Finder when you:

- launch an application on a non-startup disk that has an old Finder that
switches automatically,

- hold down the option key when you launch the application, providing the
Always Switch Launch bit is set in the application, or

- hold down the option and command keys when you launch the non-startup

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012