Requirements for Running AppleShare IP 5.0
Requirements for Running AppleShare Client 3.7
Installing AppleShare IP 5.0
Known Incompatibilities and Limitations
AppleShare IP 5.0 is a major new release of the AppleShare software. In addition to providing traditional AppleShare file service over AppleTalk, AppleShare IP supports connections over TCP. It also provides an FTP server, which allows any FTP client application to transfer files to and from the file server. The AppleShare IP Web server allows your computer to host a Web site on an intranet or the Internet, and the AppleShare IP Mail Server provides mail service for Post Office Protocol (POP) clients over TCP and AppleTalk. AppleShare IP also features new administration programs for all of the services and a completely rewritten Print Server.
Requirements for Running AppleShare IP 5.0- CPU: Any Apple Power Macintosh computer or Workgroup Server with a PowerPC 601, 604, or 604e microprocessor.
- RAM: 32 MB of memory with virtual memory turned on; 48 MB with virtual memory turned off.
- System Software: 7.6 or later with OpenDoc 1.1.2 or later, except for the Workgroup Server 7350 and the Workgroup Server 9650, which require system software 7.6.1
- Networking Software: Open Transport 1.1.2 or later
Requirements for Running AppleShare Client 3.7- System Software: 7.5.3 or later
- Networking Software: Open Transport 1.1.2 or later
Telephone Support
In the United States, if you have questions about AppleShare IP 5.0 that are not answered by the AppleShare IP Administrator's Manual or Apple Guide, call the Apple Assistance Center at 1-800-APL-CARE (1-800-275-2273) during telephone support hours (Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific time). When prompted, enter the support access number provided on the back of your Apple Support Card and follow the instructions.
If you are located outside of the United States, refer to the support information that came with your AppleShare IP 5.0 software for instructions.
Web Site
If you have an Internet connection, check the Apple Support Information Web site at and the AppleShare IP Web site at for tips, solutions to problems, or any patches that may become available after the release of the software.
AppleShare IP Mailing List
To receive information about software updates, you are cordially invited to join the AppleShare IP mailing list. By joining the mailing list, you will also have the opportunity to share your experiences, questions, and comments with others using the software. Apple employees monitor the list, but Apple does not guarantee that all questions directed to this list will be answered. To join the mailing list, send an e-mail message to; in the subject line of the e-mail message, type the word "subscribe". (To leave the mailing list, send an e-mail message to with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.) For more information about the mailing list, see the AppleShare IP Web site at
Installing AppleShare IP 5.0
For summary information about installing AppleShare IP 5.0, see the Installation & Getting Started file in the AppleShare IP 5.0 folder at the root level of your startup disk. For detailed information, see the AppleShare IP 5.0 Administrator's Manual. A printed version of the AppleShare IP 5.0 Administrator's Manual comes with the AppleShare IP 5.0 software. An electronic copy of the manual is available in the AppleShare Electronic Library folder on the AppleShare IP 5.0 CD-ROM disc.
You should read the remainder of this ReadMe file before you install AppleShare IP 5.0; it contains suggestions about the order in which you install software.
Known Incompatibilities and Limitations- You can run AppleShare IP under light and moderate load with virtual memory turned on. However, you may encounter issues running AppleShare IP under very heavy load with virtual memory turned on. Under very heavy load with virtual memory turned on, the AppleShare IP Web & File Server may stop responding with a system error 112. If this error occurs, restart your computer and take steps to reduce the load by avoiding the use of other programs, quitting AppleShare IP administrative programs when they are not in use, and lowering the number of concurrent users. If taking these steps does not prevent this situation, install additional memory and turn off virtual memory.
Installation and AppleShare IP Easy Setup
- The AppleShare IP Installer installs the 7.6 Device Mgr Server Update version 1.0 on all computers and version 1.0.5 of the built-in Ethernet driver on PCI-based computers.
- On computers that run AppleShare IP, disable the sections of the Energy Saver control panel that handle hard disks. (They are enabled by default when you install system software version 7.6.) If you do not disable energy saving for disks, several seconds will elapse before an AppleShare IP server can respond to a user's request as the disk drives spin up. To disable energy saving for hard disks, in the Energy Saver control panel, make sure that the "Shut down instead of sleeping" box is not checked and that the slider is set to "Never." Click the Show Details button in the Energy Saver control panel and make sure that the "Separate timing for hard disk sleep" checkbox is not checked. Choose Server Settings from the Preferences menu, make sure that the "Never put hard disk to sleep" box is checked in the dialog box that appears, and click OK.
- When installing software on computers that run AppleShare IP, you may see a dialog box with the following message: "Installation cannot take place on the active disk while other applications are running. Please quit the AppleShare IP Registry and try again." If you see this dialog box, dismiss it and try the installation again. If the dialog box continues to appear, quit all applications and select "Mac OS 7.6 base" from the Selected Set pop-up menu in the Extensions Manager control panel. Restart your computer and try the installation again. Then use the Extensions Manager control panel to turn extensions on.
- If you want to use the Vicom Internet Gateway software (available on the AppleShare IP Companion CD-ROM disc), you should install it on a computer that does not run AppleShare IP 5.0. If you run the Vicom Internet Gateway software on a computer that also runs one or more of the AppleShare IP 5.0 servers, performance of the AppleShare IP servers may be affected, PPP connections may experience timeouts, and proxy services may perform poorly.
- The Web & File Server may stop responding if the Apple Menu Options control panel or the File Sharing Control Strip is enabled. To prevent this situation, the Installer removes them when it installs AppleShare IP 5.0.
- If you want to use Apple Remote Access (ARA) and AppleShare IP 5.0 on the same computer, use the Users & Groups control panel to set up remote access for your users. Then install AppleShare IP 5.0. Once you install AppleShare IP 5.0, you will not be able to modify a user's setup and you will not be able to set up remote access for new users. Please check the AppleShare IP Web site for an new component that will allow you to use the Web & File Admin program to set up remote access for new users and change the remote access set up for existing users.
- The AppleShare IP Administrator's Manual instructs for running AppleShare IP Easy Setup incorrectly tells you to enter the new serial number that came with your AppleShare IP 5.0 software if you are upgrading from a version of AppleShare 3 or 4. If you are upgrading from a version of AppleShare 3 or 4, AppleShare IP Easy Setup automatically displays your current serial number for you. To proceed, click the right arrow button.
Web & File Admin
- On computers that do not have a lot of memory (48 MB or less), the Web & File Admin program may display a dialog box stating that it is out of memory. When you dismiss the dialog box, the Web & File Admin program quits. To prevent the Web & File Admin program from running out of memory again, you may want to quit other administration programs that you aren't using, turn on virtual memory, or install OpenDoc 1.2. OpenDoc 1.2 corrects problems that may occur during low memory conditions. (Note that AppleShare IP 5.0 does not specifically support OpenDoc 1.2 and that the AppleShare IP Web & File Guide is not compatible with OpenDoc 1.2.)
- The AppleShare IP Web & File Guide is not compatible with OpenDoc 1.2. Please use the AppleShare IP Web & File Guide with OpenDoc 1.1.2.
- The MacAfee VirusScannerPPC application is not compatible with the AppleShare IP Web & File Admin program. If you have difficulties running VirusScannerPPC, stop using it.
Web & File Server
- If a computer that is running the Web & File Server stops responding, check your hard disks by running Disk First Aid before you start the Web & File Server again. Disk First Aid is located in the Utilities folder on the Mac OS 7.6 CD-ROM disc.
- If you need to modify your TCP/IP configuration, stop the Web & File Server, make changes to the TCP/IP control panel, and restart the Web & File Server.
- If you installed a prerelease version of AppleShare IP 5.0 and have trouble starting the Web & File Server from the Web & File Admin program, remove your Users & Groups Data File from the Preferences folder. (Removing the Users & Groups Data File automatically causes the removal of the PDS file. The PDS file contains information about access privileges that you've assigned.) If you want to save your user information, use the Export option from the Web & File Admin program's File Menu before deleting the file. After you have rebooted, you can use the Import option to add the users back. Passwords cannot be exported and must be reentered. You will also have to reassign any access privileges that have been set. This information only applies to prerelease versions of AppleShare IP 5.0. Versions of AppleShare 3.x and 4.x upgrade correctly.
- The AppleShare IP 5.0 Web & File Server uses a new set of access privileges based on combinations of the original access privileges (See Files, See Folders, and Make Changes). The new privileges are Read Only, Read & Write, Write Only, and None. When a user connects to an AppleShare IP volume and chooses Sharing from the Finder's File menu, the dialog box that appears displays the original AppleShare access privileges. If the user changes the folder's privileges to a combination of privileges that is invalid on the AppleShare IP file server, the file server automatically applies the most secure access privilege that approximates the change. If the user closes the dialog box and chooses Sharing again for that folder, the checkboxes that are checked may be different than the checkboxes that user checked earlier.
- The Adobe Acrobat Installer cannot be used while the Web & File Server is running. Be sure to install Adobe Acrobat before you start the Web & File Server.
- The requirements for creating drop boxes on a computer that is running the AppleShare IP Web & File Server are slightly different than for previous versions of AppleShare. On computers that are running the Web & File Server, make a disk or a folder a share point and assign Read Only or Read & Write access. Inside the disk or folder that has been made a share point, create the folders that are to be drop boxes and assign the Write Only privilege to the Everyone category for each folder.
- FTP client applications that do not enable "store unique" functionality cannot transfer files to an AppleShare IP drop box (that is, a folder whose access privileges are set to Write Only). When these FTP client applications are used to transfer files to a drop box, an Access Denied error occurs (error code 550). Many Mac OS FTP applications do not enable "store unique," but most UNIX FTP applications do.
- If you are using Dartmouth College's Fetch FTP client application version 3.0.1 or earlier, upgrade to Fetch 3.0.2 or later. Fetch 3.0.2 includes changes that automatically send the appropriate FTP commands for downloading files that are in MacBinary format. (With Fetch 3.0.1 or earlier, you must use Fetch's Send FTP Command(s) command to send the MacBinary Enable command to the FTP Server and click the Binary radio button to download files correctly that are not in BinHex format.)
- Be careful when using FTP client applications to transfer files to the Web & File Server; under certain circumstances, a file may be unintentionally overwritten. Say, for example, that there is a file named X that you want to transfer in MacBinary or BinHex format. Most FTP client applications automatically append an extension of .bin (or .hqx for BinHex format) to the file, thereby implying that the file will be named X.bin (or X.hqx) when the transfer is complete. However, after the FTP client application transfers the file to the Web & File Server, it decodes the file and removes the extension. If there is a file named X in the folder to which the file is transferred, it will be overwritten. To prevent this behavior, rename the file before you transfer it. For example, name the file X1 and then transfer it.
- When using a UNIX FTP client application to retrieve a file from the AppleShare IP FTP server, you may see the error message "Data connection reset by client." If you encounter this error, you can sometimes work around it by closing the FTP session and establishing a new session. If possible, you can also try a different FTP client program.
- Some Web browsers automatically look for and display a file named Default.html or a file named Index.html as the point of entry (home page) to your Web site, regardless of the file that is selected as the default home page in the Web & File Admin program's Web & File Server Settings window. You can avoid having visitors inadvertently see the wrong home page by removing files named Default.html and Index.html from the folder that is set as the Web Folder (whether at root level or in a nested folder) unless the file is selected as the default home page. If you decide to change the name of the file that is selected as your default home page, be sure to update any links that reference it.
- AppleShare IP 5.0 is not compatible with ARA Multiport version 2.1 or earlier. You should not run them on the same computer.
- If you are upgrading from Macintosh File Sharing or a previous version of AppleShare and you previously shared a CD-ROM disc or a locked volume, you must copy their access privileges files from the File Server folder to the Access Privileges folder inside the AppleShare IP Preferences. Both the File Server folder and the AppleShare IP Preferences folder are located inside the Preferences folder in the System Folder.
AppleShare Client 3.7 Software
- AppleShare Client 3.7 Software is appropriate for computers running system software version 7.5.3 or later. See the AppleShare Client 3.7 ReadMe for the versions of AppleShare Client software that are recommended for system software versions prior to system software version 7.5.3.
- If you have problems using the AppleShare Client 3.7 software to connect to an AppleShare IP file server, use MacTCP Ping (available from Apple Computer) to make sure that you can ping the computer that is running the AppleShare IP file server software. If you can't ping successfully, there is a connectivity problem. Check cabling and the configuration of the TCP/IP control panel.
- The AppleShare Client 3.7 software is not compatible with versions of RunShare prior to version 3.0. Computers on which they are both installed will stop responding. Be sure to upgrade to RunShare version 3.0 or later before you install AppleShare Client Software 3.7.
- If a user makes an alias to an AppleShare IP volume and uses TCP to connect to that volume, AppleTalk must be active on the user's computer. AppleTalk must be active because it is used to locate the volume even though TCP is used to make the connection.
- Microsoft Office Manager (Office 4.2.1) causes the AppleShare Client 3.7 software to stop responding when you try to connect to an AppleShare file server. To correct this problem, install Office Manager Updater, available from Microsoft.
- If you are running system software version 7.5.3 on a PowerPC-based computer and set up automounting of an AppleShare volume over TCP, the automount process may use AppleTalk instead of TCP. This situation is fixed in system software version 7.5.5 and later.
- When you install Open Transport 1.1.2 on a PowerBook 3400, immediately install the Mac OS 7.6.1 Update for PowerBook 3400. The update fixes a condition that could cause the system to stop responding when you switch between Infrared and LocalTalk.
- The NetWare User Authentication Module is incompatible with the AppleShare Client 3.7 software. Contact Novell for an update.
- Some old HyperCard XCMDs that mount AppleShare volumes are incompatible with the AppleShare Client 3.7 software.
- Utilities that mount disk images from AppleShare file servers may be incompatible with the AppleShare Client 3.7 software. If you have problems, contact the vendor for a new version.
- Versions of Santorini Server Manager earlier than 4.0 are not fully functional when used with the AppleShare Client 3.7 software. Be sure to install Santorini Server Manager 4.0 from the AppleShare IP Companion CD-ROM disc.
- Server management applications that mount AppleShare volumes may be incompatible with the AppleShare Client 3.7 software. Contact the vendor for an update.
Mail Server
- If you need to modify your TCP/IP configuration, stop the Mail Server, make changes to the TCP/IP control panel, and restart the Mail Server.
- The Mail Admin folder inside the AppleShare IP 5.0 folder on your startup disk contains an application called the PowerShare Exporter. You can use PowerShare Exporter to export users from PowerShare and import them into an AppleShare IP Users & Groups Data File.
- The Mail Server should not be running when you back up the Mail Server's mail database. AppleShare IP 5.0 comes with a Retrospect script for stopping the Mail Server, backing up the mail database, and restarting the Mail Server automatically. For information on this script, see the ReadMe file for the Retrospect Event Handler script in the Mail Backup Samples folder at the root level of the AppleShare IP 5.0 CD-ROM disc.
- The Mail Server uses a special "fingerprint" to ensure that a user's account in the mail database matches the correct user in the Users & Groups Data File. The fingerprint is a unique number that is stored in the user's record in the Users & Groups Data File and in the user's account in the mail database.
The Mail Server checks for fingerprint mismatches each time it starts up. When it finds a user in the mail database whose fingerprint does not match the fingerprint of a user in the Users & Groups Data File, the Mail Server enters a summary message in the Mail Server log and a detailed message in the Mail Server error log, and disables the user's mail account. To retrieve mail from a disabled mail account, use the AppleShare IP Mail Tool (available from the AppleShare IP Web site at to assign the mail account to a valid user in the Users & Groups Data File.
You can prevent mismatch situations by taking these precautions:
- Treat the Users & Groups Data File and the mail database as a set. Always back up and restore them together. If you were to restore the Users & Groups Data File without also restoring the mail database, Mail Server would disable the mail accounts of users who are in the mail database but who are not in the restored Users & Groups Data File. If you must restore the Users & Groups Data File, make sure that all current users have retrieved their mail first (if possible). Then restore the Users & Groups Data File and the mail database from the same backup. Alternatively, you can restore the Users & Groups Data File, start the Mail Server, note the mail accounts that are disabled, and use the AppleShare IP Mail Tool to assign the disabled accounts to valid users.
- If you move the mail database to another computer, move the Users & Groups Data File, too. If you were to move the mail database to another computer without moving the Users & Groups Data File, the Mail Server would disable most (if not all) mail accounts and create new, empty mail accounts for the users in the Users & Groups Data File for whom mail is enabled. (Note, however, that if you move the Users & Groups Data File to another computer that is running the Web & File Server, any access privileges that have been assigned on that computer will be lost because the access privileges no longer match the Users & Group Data File.)
- When you delete users for whom mail is enabled, make sure the AppleShare IP Mail Server is running. If the Mail Server is not running when you delete users for whom mail is enabled, the next time the Mail Server starts up, it will report that the deleted users' mail accounts do not have a matching entry and it will disable their mail accounts.
Note: It is always safe to throw away a mail database that is empty (as indicated by a zero in the "Number of Messages" field in the Mail Server Activity window). When you start the Mail Server again, it will create a mail account for each user in the Users & Groups Data File for the Enable Mail radio button is selected.
Print Admin
- To see updates in the Print Admin program's Log window, you need to close and open the window again.
- If you create a queue and attach printers to it when the Print Server is busy, a communication problem may occur between the Print Admin program and the Print Server and an alert box may appear. Dismiss the alert box. In a few minutes the queue will appear in the Print Server Activity window with a status message indicating that no printers are attached to the queue. You need to attach the printers again.
Print Server
- The Print Server is not compatible with QuickDraw GX client applications. If you are setting up the Print Server in an environment that requires printing by QuickDraw GX client applications, be sure to enable the "Visible in Chooser" setting for at least one printer that is attached to a Print Server queue or be sure there is at least one printer that is not attached to a Print Server queue. That way, users who require QuickDraw GX support can use the printer directly.
- The Print Server cannot prevent printers that use the LaserWriter IIg version 2010.113 printer description file (PPD) from being visible in the Chooser even when the "Visible in Chooser" setting is not selected. To change the PPD file that the LaserWriter IIg uses, open the Chooser, click a printer icon, select the printer whose PPD file you want to change, and click Setup. In the dialog box that appears, click the Select PPD button and select a different PPD file (such as LaserWriter IIg v2010.130) from the list of PPD files. Click Select and then click OK.
- Do not choose a Print Server queue as the printer for a computer that is running the Print Server. The printing software will stop responding if you try to print on queue from a computer that is running the Print Server. If necessary, make a printer visible in the Chooser so that you can print on it directly.
- The AppleShare IP Administrator's Manual shows that the "Enable users to save password for automatic log on" attribute in the Password Settings window is enabled by default. This is incorrect. By default, the "Enable users to save password for automatic log on" attribute is disabled.
- The AppleShare IP Administrator's Manual does not document the backup copy of the Users & Groups Data File that is made automatically the first time you start the AppleShare IP 5.0 Web & File Server. The backup is named Users & Groups Data File Backup, and it is located in the Preferences folder inside the System Folder on your startup disk. The purpose of the backup is to preserve a copy of your Users & Groups Data File in case you later decide to run Macintosh File Sharing or an earlier version of AppleShare. If you decide to run Macintosh File Sharing or a earlier version of AppleShare, you must first remove the AppleShare IP 5.0 software. Then remove the Users & Groups Data File, rename the Users & Groups Data File Backup to Users & Groups Data File, and restart your computer. These steps restore your Users & Groups Data File to its original state before you installed AppleShare IP 5.0.
- The AppleShare IP Administrator's Manual does not document that the AppleShare IP Installer installs the 7.6 Device Mgr Server Update version 1.0 on all computers and version 1.0.5 of the built-in Ethernet driver on PCI-based computers.
- The AppleShare IP Administrator's Manual incorrectly implies that you can enter more than one serial number in the Web & File Server Settings window. You can only enter one serial number.
- The AppleShare IP Administrator's Manual incorrectly tells you to enter the new serial number that came with your AppleShare IP 5.0 software if you are upgrading from a version of AppleShare 3 or 4. If you are upgrading from a version of AppleShare 3 or 4, AppleShare IP Easy Setup automatically displays your current serial number for you.
- The AppleShare IP Administrator's Manual refers to the AppleShare IP 5.0 Library folder. The correct name for that folder is the AppleShare Electronic Library.