Power Macintosh 6500: Faster Faxing with FaxSTF 3.2.2 Modem Bundle

I have a Power Macintosh 6500/250 Small Business bundle computer. This computer was bundled with a FaxSTF 3.2.2 fax modem. I am not able to set the fax modem for sending faxes at speeds higher than 9600 bps, because the options for higher speeds are dimmed. What should I do to get faster speeds?
STF Technologies, Inc., the creator of the software, has introduced a solution with a new set of modem profiles, the 3.2.x Profile Update. These profiles enable fax speeds higher than 9600 bps to be selected.

These profiles can be downloaded from STF Technologies' Web site, http://www.stfinc.com. If you do not have access to the World Wide Web, these profiles can also be downloaded from the STF Technologies BBS, or you can call STF Technologies' technical support for assistance.

The following information is provided to offer general guidance. This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information. NOTE: Apple Computer, Inc. does not provide technical support for FaxSTF. STF Technologies provides technical support for its product.

The following information complements information found in the 3.2.x Profile Update Read Me files, and is based on information in these Read Me files that were published on the STF web site as of 6/1/97. Follow the steps below:

Step 1
Download the 3.2.x Profile Update. When you have downloaded it, you should have a folder called 3.2.x Profile Update 6/1/97 (the name of the folder may vary, depending on the date STF updated the folder). This folder contains three Read Me files:
and four software components:

Step 2
Open this folder and arrange it so you can see all of its contents.

Step 3
Open your hard disk.

Step 4
Open the System Folder.

Step 5
Open the STF folder which is in the System Folder. You will see 12 items in the STF folder window: 10 folders and two documents. Arrange the STF folder window so you can also see the contents of the 3.2.x Profile Update 6/1/97 folder which you arranged in step 2.

Step 6
Drag the "ModemProfiles" file out of the 3.2.x Profile Update 6/1/97 folder and drop it onto the Components folder. When you release the mouse, you should get a message dialog asking for permission to replace an older item that is already in the folder. Go ahead and do so.

Step 7
Drag the file ACD1.DRVR out of the 3.2.x Profile Update 6/1/97 folder and drop it onto the Drivers folder. When you release the mouse, you should get a message dialog asking for permission to replace an older item that is already in the folder. Go ahead and do so.

Step 8
Drag the file ACD2.0.DRVR out of the 3.2.x Profile Update 6/1/97 folder and drop it onto the Drivers folder. When you release the mouse, you should get a message dialog asking for permission to replace an older item that is already in the folder. Go ahead and do so.

Step 9
Drag the file ACD2.DRVR out of the 3.2.x Profile Update 6/1/97 folder and drop it into the Drivers folder. When you release the mouse, you should get a message dialog asking for permission to replace an older item that is already in the folder. Go ahead and do so.

Step 10
Close all of the windows on your monitor.

Step 11
Restart your computer by choosing Restart from the Special menu.

Step 12
Open the Launcher, if it did not open automatically, and click on the FaxSTF application.

Step 13
After the application finishes loading, choose Settings from the Edit menu. Click the Fax Modem button on the far left side of the dialog, then click the Modem button in the top right corner of the dialog.

Step 14
From the list of supported modems, choose "Apple Express Modem SW". Note, there are five other Express Modem options, so it's important to choose the correct one. You may need to scroll up to see the correct option.

After you have chosen (highlighted) "Apple Express Modem SW", click on the Select button.

Step 15
If the Send and Receive pop-up menu options do not automatically change to 14.4 kbps, see if you can select them from their pop-up menu. If not, contact STF Technologies for further assistance.

Step 16
Click the Done button.

Step 17
Choose Restart from the Special menu.

At this point, you should be able to send and receive faxes using V.17 (14.4 kbps) protocols.

NOTE: The fax speed limitations do not affect data communications performance (that is, Apple Internet Connection Kit; America Online) in any way.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012