Maximum Number of Monitors Connected to a Macintosh Computer

Is there a limit to the number of monitors and display adapters that can be added to a PCI or NuBus Macintosh computer?
On most PCI and NuBus Macintosh computers, you can connect as many monitors and video cards as you have available expansion slots. The Performa and Power Macintosh 6400 and 6500 lines of computers support a maximum of two attached monitors.

Note that you should not use more than two AppleVision displays at once. If you try to use more than two AppleVision displays, the additional displays must operate at 640 x 480 resolution.

For information on this subject pertaining to Power Macintosh 6400 and 6500 computers, please see the following Tech Info Library article:

Article 20230: "Power Macintosh 6400/6500: Connecting Multiple Monitors"

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012