During startup, the computer may emit a "squealing" sound, similar to a car horn sounding continuously. The sound will continue until a new sound is played or the volume is changed.
Apple is aware of this issue. It has been fixed in Mac OS 8.5. Power Macintosh users who have upgraded to Mac OS 8.5 should not experience this issue. For Mac OS 8.1 users who do not wish to upgrade to Mac OS 8.5, a workaround is available below.
Under Mac OS 8.1, the issue will occur under the following conditions:
Note: To reset the volume at shutdown, make sure the Extensions Manager has AppleScript enabled.
To reset the volume automatically at each shutdown, perform the following steps (you may wish to print these instructions to follow them closely):
2. Type the text listed below into the untitled window below the Record button (or Copy & Paste from here).
Note: Make sure you are using 1, 3, 5, or 7 for the volume level. Do not use an even number.
tell application "Finder"
set volume "3"
end tell
3. From the File menu, select Save As Run-Only...
4. Change the popup menu from Compiled Script to Application.
5. Put an 'x' in the box entitled Never Show Startup Screen.
6. Type in a name for the file such as, "Set Volume to 3"
7. You want to save the application in a VERY specific location. In the Save dialog box you are still in, navigate to the following path:
<your hard disk>
System Folder
Shutdown Items
8. Click the Save button, so that the file is saved into the Shutdown Items folder in your active System Folder.
9. From the File menu, select Quit. Click Don't Save at the prompt.
(You've already saved the file).
For specific reasons, you may want the volume to be at a specific level after startup. To accomplish this, modify the script above with your desired volume level ("7" for example), and save the file in the Startup Items folder instead. At every startup, the sound will be reset to your desired level.