Newton Connection Utilities 1.0 Windows NT 4.x Compatibility

I would like to use Newton Connection Utilities (NCU) 1.0 with Windows NT 4. All of the information I have seen indicates that it is compatible with Windows NT 3.5. However, I cannot find any mention of NT 4. Is NCU 1.0 compatible with Windows NT 4.x?
When preparing Newton Connection Utilities 1.0 for release in early 1997, product testing included Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5, but did not include Windows NT 4 or Windows 98. The decision of what software to test was based on the software being used by Newton users, rather than an exhaustive list of software. This list did not include Windows NT 4 or Windows 98.

Apple understands that since Newton Connection Utilities 1.0 was released, users have begun to migrate to Windows NT 4.0 from Windows 95. Apple understands that some users may want compatibility information regarding Windows NT 4 prior to installing and using NCU. However, we do not have official testing that would verify Windows NT 4 or Windows 98 as a recommended solution for use with NCU.

For more information regarding Windows troubleshooting, please use the Technical Information Library to search in the Newton directory for "Windows." There are several articles that are helpful with resolving normal Windows-related issues.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012