Interbridge: Using it with 9600 baud modems

A workaround was developed after trying to get the Hayes Interbridge to work
with third party 9600 baud modems, Codex model 2260's, supposed to be Hayes
command compatible.

In theory, the Codex modems should work after engineers unplug the 2400 baud
modems they were using and plug in the Codex's, properly configured.
Unfortunately, the Interbridge seems to look for responses that the Codex
does not give.

Listed below are the settings used for the Interbridges and modems.

2 Macintosh Plus
2 Interbridges (upgraded ROM's)
2 Codex Model 2260 modems.
Appropriate cables

Bridge Setups
Port S1
Remote Bridge
9600 baud
Port A1
AppleTalk On
Net# Must be <>
Bridge Name Must be <>
Zone Name Must be =

Modem Setup

Connect the phone lines to the Audio Line (NOT the LLine) jack.
Rate = 9600 only
Format = Async
Char Length = 10
DTR = 108.1 (Note: this tells the modem to dial on Interbridge power
up. If you use 108.2 you will have to select one
of 8 preset numbers to dial.
RTS = Normal
RTS/CTS Delay = 0
DCD = Normal
DSR = High
Modify Audio
Answer = Auto
Default Dial = 1 (or whichever preset number you want)
Line = Dial
Modify Modem
Mode = External
Clock = Internal
AutoRetrain = On
Disconnect = PSTN
This is where you enter/view/set your phone numbers.

Same setup as the originating modem except the default dialer is off.

Once the above setup is completed, any time the originating Interbridge is
powered on, the modem will call the other Interbridge and begin operation.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012