Macintosh II: Pinouts To NEC Multisync Monitor (6/94)

The Macintosh II video card can drive the NEC Multisync monitor. Here are
the pinouts, provided by NEC, for connecting a Macintosh II to the Multisync's
9-pin connector:

Macintosh II Nec MultiSync signal name
1 ------------ 6 red video ground
2 ------------ 1 red video
5 ------------ 2 green video+ Composite analog sync
6 ------------ 7 green ground
9 ------------ 3 blue video
11 ------------ 7 green ground
13 ------------ 8 blue ground
14 ------------ 9 ground

Set the monitor to Analog and manual mode.

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Article Change History:
23 Jun 1994 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012