PowerBook 3400: Internal Modem ARA Script

I just installed Apple Remote Access Client but it did not install the PowerBook 3400 Internal 33.6 script. Where is it?
The modem script for the PowerBook 3400 can be found on the PowerBook 3400 CD. The name of the modem script is "PowerBook 3400 Internal 33.6". It can be found on the CD by using the Finder's Find command (in the File menu), or by following this path on the CD:

PowerBook 3400 CD:Restore Installed Software:Configurations:Real Configurations:694-0953:694-0953*89BB738C*:System Folder:Extensions:Modem Scripts:PowerBook 3400 Internal 33.6

Reinstalling Mac OS 7.6 system software will also reinstall all the PowerBook 3400 support files. System software can be found on the CD by following the path "Install System Software:System 7.6 Installation".

Restoring the entire factory bundle will also reinstall the PowerBook 3400 Internal Modem software.

This article was published in the 28 May 1997 "Information Alley".
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012