PowerBook: Help With Printer/Modem Port Printing

I have a PowerBook computer with a single printer/modem port and I cannot print to my serial printer. What are the troubleshooting steps necessary to isolate this problem?
There are a number of printer troubleshooting steps that are unique to PowerBooks, particularly PowerBooks with a single serial port. However, some of the steps used to resolve printer issues on desktop Macintosh systems also work with Powerbooks.

Follow the suggestions in the order in which they appear, because each subsequent suggestion increases in difficulty and in the amount of time required. After each step, you should attempt to print a document, such as the desktop (or a window) from the Finder.

These Tech Info Library articles contain information related to the topic of using a printer/modem port on a PowerBook.

Article 17305- "PowerBook: Single Serial Port and GV Teleport II Conflict"
Article 16067- "PowerBook: Printing To Serial Printer w/One Serial Port"
Article 12473- "PowerBook, One Serial Port, Express Modem, and ARA"
Article 9506- "PowerBook: How To Print From External Modem Port"
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012