There are a number of printer troubleshooting steps that are unique to PowerBooks, particularly PowerBooks with a single serial port. However, some of the steps used to resolve printer issues on desktop Macintosh systems also work with Powerbooks.
Follow the suggestions in the order in which they appear, because each subsequent suggestion increases in difficulty and in the amount of time required. After each step, you should attempt to print a document, such as the desktop (or a window) from the Finder.
1. Check all cabling and print a test page on the printer. Verify that the cable works (or has worked) with other computers.
2. Make sure that Appletalk is inactive in the Chooser.
3. If the driver has a selection for printer or modem port (Apple drivers do not but Hewlett-Packard drivers do), it usually works better if the printer is asked to go through the modem port rather than the printer port.
4. If you are using an Apple printer, make sure that you have not installed old drivers onto a newer PowerBook. Most of the drivers you need are already pre-installed on your PowerBook, and installing the older printer software can cause problems. Most of the Stylewriters introduced before the Stylewriter 1200 will run off of the Stylewriter 1200 driver. Newer StyleWriters will run off of either the 2400 or 2500 drivers.
5. If you have any third party fax software make sure it is not set to receive. This can often confuse the printer software and generate "port in use" errors.
6. If the computer has an internal modem, make sure that the modem (or Express Modem) control panel is set for internal.
7. If the software seems to be properly configured and functioning, and Appletalk is off, then the next step is to reset the PRAM. Please note that on PowerBook 5300/190 and newer models, successfully resetting the PRAM after a shutdown will put the computer to sleep. You must use the reset button to restart after that. Also note that resetting the PRAM will turn Appletalk back on (its default position) and this will need to be turned off again before trying to print again.
8. Run Disk First Aid to check for hard drive corruption. Allow Disk First Aid to perform the software repair if necessary.
9. Rebuild the Desktop.
10. Try running with the standard system extensions (plus any necessary third-party printer drivers) only. If this works then you probably have an extensions conflict.
11. Uninstall and re-install the printing software. If you are using a third-party printer, check and make sure the latest version of the printer driver is installed. If not, contact the printer vendor.
12. Do a clean install of the system software.
If none of these steps resolve the issue, you probably have faulty hardware.
These Tech Info Library articles contain information related to the topic of using a printer/modem port on a PowerBook.
Article 17305- "
PowerBook: Single Serial Port and GV Teleport II Conflict"
Article 16067- "
PowerBook: Printing To Serial Printer w/One Serial Port"
Article 12473- "
PowerBook, One Serial Port, Express Modem, and ARA"
Article 9506- "
PowerBook: How To Print From External Modem Port"