Naming Avid Cinema clips or titles starting with period (".") characters may cause Avid Cinema to quit with an error of type 1.
This error may occur after you apply such a title to your movie, when you "prepare" your movie, or when you bring video in using a clip starting with period characters.
If you need to name a clip or a title with dots at the beginning (for example "...that's all folks!"), use the keystroke combination option-semicolon to get the ellipsis character, which is a series of three dots.
In Avid Cinema version 1.0, there is a storyboard template within the home section called "This is your life". Within this template there is a clip called "...and Now". When this clip is selected and video from the clip is brought into an Avid Cinema document, it can cause this error.
When you upgrade to Avid Cinema version 1.1, this storyboard clip is renamed without the leading dots, which will allow you to use this clip without renaming it.