PowerBook 2400, 3400, G3 PC Cards: Card And Socket Services Error

When I use my PC card in my PowerBook 2400 it says Card and Socket Services are not present. What is wrong?
What you descirbe may occur with PowerBook G3 and 3400 computers as well as PowerBook 2400 computers.

The PowerBook G3, PowerBook 3400, and PowerBook 2400 all use Card & Sockets Service 3.0. If the PC Card has supporting software, which needs to be installed, it must be Card & Sockets Service 3.0 compliant. Almost all third-party vendors have updated their software to work with this new standard. It is possible that the combo card (Ethernet and Modem combination PC card) will perform as a modem but Ethernet functionality will be disabled. This also happens if the driver software does not support Card & Socket Services 3.0.

The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012