QuickTime 2.5: Picking QuickTime Musical Instruments In MoviePlayer

With QuickTime 2.5, the method for picking QuickTime musical instruments from within MoviePlayer has changed from previous versions.
In MoviePlayer 2.5.x, the QuickTime Musical Instruments interface previously obtained by clicking on the Options button of the Import dialog (which is accessed from the File menu) is now obtained as follows, after the MIDI file has been converted:

Note: In order for this to function as described, the Authoring Extras file (see Figure 3 below) must be in the same folder as MoviePlayer. This file is available from Apple Software Update sites as "QuickTime Extras." It can also be found in the "MoviePlayer Extras" folder of some Mac OS CDs.


Figure 1


Figure 2


Figure 3

QuickTime software and updates can be found at:

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012