Newton Internet Enabler 2.0: -60508 Error When Connecting Via LocalTalk

I am trying to connect to a MacIP server via LocalTalk network with my MessagePad 2100. Although I am able to see the MacIP server address in Internet Setup, when I attempt to connect using NetHopper I receive an error of -60508. How can I resolve this?
The MessagePad 2100 does not ship with Newton Internet Enabler LocalTalk software installed. However, LocalTalk support is available for printing and other services. Although you may be able to select LocalTalk as a connection method within Internet Setup -- you will not be able to connect unless you have the Newton Internet Enabler (NIE) LocalTalk driver installed.

To install the NIE LocalTalk driver, you must have a "connection utility" such as Newton Connection Utilities 1.0. NCU is bundled with the MessagePad 2100. You can find the NCU installer on the Connectivity Software folder in the MessagePad 2100 CD. Other utilities such as Newton Package Installer may be used to install the software onto your MessagePad.

After installing NCU, verify your connection method and cable location within NCU under Preferences. When ready, tap "Dock" on your MessagePad and select the appropriate connection method. After a connection has been made, select "Install Package" and use the File:Open dialog box to navigate using the following path:

MessagePad 2100 CD -> Pre-Installed Software -> NIE 2.0 -> NIE Extras -> LocalTalk -> NIE LocalTalk Support.pkg

Note: If you have already created an Internet Setup using LocalTalk as your connection method, you may receive a -60080 error when attempting to connect. To resolve this issue, delete this setup within Internet Setup and after installing the LocalTalk Module, create a new one.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012