PowerBook 1400: Mac OS Info Center Installer Error

After running the "MacOS Install" from the unique system CD (PowerBook1400CD) included with the PowerBook1400CD 1400cs/166 and selecting "Info Center" as one of the items to be installed, the "Info Center" installer aborts when run and the following message appears: "The installer document 'Info Center' could not be found. Make sure you are using the original CD or Floppy Disks." Can you help?
If you encounter this behavior, there are two workarounds:

1) Uncheck the "Info Center" installer, run the rest of the installers and then separately run the "Info Center" installer located in the "Software Installers" folder on the CD.

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2) Run the "Apple Software Restore" application located in the "Restore Installed Software" folder. This restores the hard drive to a factory-installed state with all pertinent MacOS 8 components and the bundled software.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012