Newton Connection Applications: Communication Tool Error

I am attempting to connect my MessagePad 120 to my Macintosh computer using Newton Backup Utility. I keep getting a message "Could not initialize the Serial connection because the selected communication tool was not found. Try reinstalling the communication tools." It was working fine yesterday. Can you explain?
Typically, users will experience these problems after a clean system installation. Simply moving the required extension back into the System Folder is all that is required. You should be able to launch your connection application immediately without restarting your computer.

Depending upon what kind of connection has been defined in the Preferences for the connection program, you may get a message saying that a communication tool can not be found or is not installed. If you are attempting a serial connection, make sure that you have the Apple Modem Tool installed in the Extensions Folder of your computer. If you are connecting using AppleTalk, make sure that the AppleTalk ADSP Tool is installed in the Extensions Folder.

The type of connection utility or application really does not matter. These extensions are required for all of the Newton connection programs that Apple produced. Some of the actual messages are listed below.

Communication Tool Not Found

For Newton Connection Utilities and Newton Backup Utilities, attempting to connect serially: "Could not initialize the Serial connection because the selected communication tool was not found. Try reinstalling the communication tools."

Figure 1 Could not initialize the Serial connection

For Newton Connection Utilities and Newton Backup Utilities, attempting to connect with AppleTalk: "Could not select an AppleTalk connection because the selected communication tool was not found. Try reinstalling the communication tools."

Figure 2 Could not select an AppleTalk connection

For Newton Press, attempting to connect serially:
"The Apple Modem Tool was not found. Please install it using your original Newton Press disks."

For Newton Press, attempting to connect with AppleTalk:
"The AppleTalk ADSP Tool was not found. Please install it using your original Newton Press disks."

For Newton Package Installer, attempting to connect serially:
"Could not open the connection because the Apple Modem Tool is not installed.

For Newton Package Installer, attempting to connect with AppleTalk:
"Could not open the connection because the AppleTalk ADSP Tool is not installed."

Both the Apple Modem Tool and the AppleTalk ADSP Tool can be found in the original installation package included with the original connection application.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps To Follow

Make sure the serial or LocalTalk cables are securely attached in the appropriate port. Most likely this will be the modem port for a serial connection and the printer port for a LocalTalk setup.

If you are using a serial connection, confirm that AppleTalk is inactive in the Chooser. With Open Transport, also check the AppleTalk control panel to determine that AppleTalk is not active on the port being used.

Make sure you have properly configured the preferences under the Edit menu on your Macintosh.

Compare these settings to the ones selected in the MessagePad connection slip.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012