AppleShare 1.1: Problems Running It With InBox

TOPIC -----------------------------------------------------------

The following discusses problems with running AppleShare 1.1 with InBox.

DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------

You may have had problems running AppleShare 1.1 and InBox on the same
machine and at the same time, with InBox as a background application.

This is because AppleShare 1.1 automatically configures the RAM Cache for
optimal use, leaving too little memory for the next application -- the InBox
background message center.

One solution is to run the AppleShare 1.1 server in the background, and the
InBox message center in the foreground:

When you configure the InBox message center, you have two options:
BACKGROUND or DEDICATED. Choose DEDICATED; then AppleShare will start up
first in the background, followed by the InBox message center in the

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012