Modem: "No Dial Tone" Error But I Can Hear One

My modem does not connect and gives a message "No dial tone, check connections make sure the modem is on." I can hear the dial tone through the modem, but I also hear a series of dial tone pulses before the solid dial tone.
Call Notes is a service offered by your telephone service. It has similar features to a telephone answering machine but is done electronically by the telephone service so you do not need additional hardware.

If you have Call Notes and have unheard messages, when you pick up the phone you will hear a series of dial tone pulses before hearing the solid dial tone. These pulses can cause the modem to report that it does not hear a dial tone depending on how it has been initialized and what initialization string was used.

You may be able to work around the tone generated by CallNotes by configuring the modem to Not Use the Dial tone, if the software you are using supports this. Place commas before the phone number you wish to dial (example ATDT ,,,,555-5555) or change the initialization string. Each comma forces a one-second pause.

Please check your user manual or contact your modem manufacturer to determine how to change this intialization string. For example, changing the X register in your modem initialization string from X4 to X1 on some modems will resolve this issue as shown here: Q0E0V1X4&C1&D0 changes to Q0E0V1X1&C1&D0. Please check your modem's user manual for the configuration codes for your specific modem.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012