In ClarisWorks 4.0, this functionality works as expected. In ClarisWorks/AppleWorks 5.0.x (Mac OS version or Windows version), nothing happens when an alignment other than Left is chosen.
To get around this difficulty, you can create a Style using the Stylesheet palette, then apply the Style to a column while in List Mode. It is necessary to have a separate Style for each alignment choice (Right, Center, Justify) you want to apply.
Before performing these steps, close the Stylesheet palette if it is visible, then select 'Page View' from the Window menu (so that there is a checkmark by 'Page View' in the menu.)
To create a new Style:1. Choose Show Stylesheet from the Window menu.
2. Click the New button in the bottom left of the palette.
3. In the New Style window, choose Paragraph for the Style Type.
4. Type a name for the Style in the Style Name box.
5. Click OK. Your cursor changes to indicate that you are in Style creation mode, and the Stylesheet palette expands to the Edit Style palette.
6. Choose Alignment from the Format menu and select the desired alignment from the sub-menu.
7. Click the Done button at the bottom of the Edit Style palette (the cursor and palette will revert to their previous state).
To apply a style:1. Select a column by clicking on the column header (hold down the Shift key to select multiple adjacent columns).
2. Make sure the Stylesheet palette is visible (see #1 above).
3. Click the desired Style from the list in the palette. A check mark will appear next to the Style name, and the selected data will be formatted accordingly.