ClarisWorks 5.0: Text Alignment in Database List Mode

Using List Mode in a database allows you to display data in a columnar format. By default, data is aligned to the left side in each column. Selecting the column and choosing an alternative alignment should adjust the data in that column accordingly, but in ClarisWorks 5.0 it doesn't.

Note: AppleWorks is the new name for ClarisWorks.
In ClarisWorks 4.0, this functionality works as expected. In ClarisWorks/AppleWorks 5.0.x (Mac OS version or Windows version), nothing happens when an alignment other than Left is chosen.

To get around this difficulty, you can create a Style using the Stylesheet palette, then apply the Style to a column while in List Mode. It is necessary to have a separate Style for each alignment choice (Right, Center, Justify) you want to apply.

Before performing these steps, close the Stylesheet palette if it is visible, then select 'Page View' from the Window menu (so that there is a checkmark by 'Page View' in the menu.)

To create a new Style:
To apply a style:
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012