Virtual PC: Netware DOS ODI Client Issue

Using Virtual PC 2.0.1 on a PowerMac G3 with built-in Ethernet (2.0.4) will not connect to a Novell NetWare server when using the NetWare DOS ODI client. In Windows 95, I can connect to the Novell server. I can use a SMC Ethernet PCI card to connect to the Novell server using the DOS ODI client.

Are there any workarounds?
Currently, if you need to connect to a Novell NetWare server using the NetWare DOS client, you will have to use a third party Ethernet PCI card such as a SMC Ethernet PCI card. Note: The Apple 10/100 PCI card does not work when using the NetWare DOS ODI client.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012