When AppleShare IP Web & File admin is launched from AppleShare IP Manager, the Web & File Admin application never opens.
This is due to the unavailability of a resource file that OpenDoc uses. That file is named "SOMobjects for MacOS" and is a resource installed as part of the Internet Access option available when installing Mac OS 8 or Mac OS 8.1. Customers may disable "SOMobjets for MacOS" since it belongs to the "Internet Access" package in the Extensions Manager thinking that the server does not need it since it will not be connecting to the Internet. Doing so will cause the behavior to occur. Re-enable the "SOMobjects for MacOS" extension and the situation will be resolved.
If you double click on the Web & File Admin alias in the Web & File server folder inside of the AppleShare IP 6.0 folder you will receive a message "The application "OpenDoc" could not be opened because "SOM" could not be found". This message is referring to the same file "SOMobjects for MacOS". Disabling it will cause the behavior to occur and re-enabling it will resolve the situation if it does occur.