Mac OS X Server 1.x: Seeing Which Applications Are Currently Open

This article explains how to see which applications are currently open Mac OS X Server.
Note: This article pertains to Mac OS X Server versions 1.x, which were released prior to May 2001.

You can see which applications are currently open by using the Applications menu. To open the Applications menu, click the name of the current application, which appears on the far right of the menu bar.

The names of each open application appear in this menu.

To view which applications are currently running from the command line use the ps command. To use the command line, open the Terminal application from the Apple menu.

An example of the ps command is "ps -aelx". ps -aelx prints most all processes in a wide format. The command "ps -l" prints only the processes associated with the terminal requesting the listing.

The ps command has many arguments. Use the man command "man ps" to view all the arguments for the ps command.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012