TeachText 1.1: Adding Graphics

You can incorporate graphic elements -- boldface and centered text, graphs,
pictures, etc. -- into TeachText 1.1 documents. These are "PICT resources",
and may be inserted into a TeachText document as follows:
1. Create your document, leaving five carriage returns in the places where
you want to place the graphics or specially-formatted text.

2. Create your specially-formatted text or graphics and paste them into the

NOTE: The text will need to be in "PICT" format. You can use MacDraw to
do this.

3. Use a file editor such as FEdit to open your TeachText file to its data
fork. Search for the five carriage returns (carriage return = $0D) and
replace the third "0D" with "CA" and write the change to disk. Do this
for all places you want to insert the specially-formatted text or

4. Using ResEdit, open your TeachText document. Select New from the File
menu; type PICT in the dialog box, and press Return.

5. Select New again and paste your formatted text or graphics from the
Scrapbook into the resource. When done, select Get Info -- for ID type
in "1000". Do the same for all the formatted text or graphics in the
Scrapbook, remembering to increment the ID by 1 for each successive
resource (1001, 1002, etc.).

6. Quit ResEdit, saving changes.

7. Open your TeachText document. Insert or delete carriage returns to adjust
the graphics and formatted text, which will be automatically centered.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012