Mac OS 8.5: ATM Data File Opens AOL Installer

Some users of Mac OS 8.5 may, upon attempting to install Adobe Type Manager, inadvertently double-click on the VISE data file contained in the folder rather than the actual installer program. Doing so opens the America Online 4.0 Installer.

Opening either installer by double-clicking the actual installer program has the expected result. See Figure 1.

Figure 1 The ATM and AOL Installer programs


This behavior is not due to a fault on the CD. Both America Online (AOL) and Adobe Type Manager (ATM) utilize VISE installers from MindVision in order to script the installation. If the VISE installer data file is opened, the system looks for a program with creator type VIS3. In this instance, the first program of this type the system finds is the AOL installer, so it is opened.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012