Mac OS 8.5.1: Compatible With AppleShare IP 6.1

This article disusses Mac OS 8.5.1 compatibility with AppleShare IP 6.1.

If you have installed AppleShare IP 6.1 on Mac OS 8.5, make a backup of your system folder (using the "Duplicate" command in the Finder is sufficient), and then apply the Mac OS 8.5.1 update.

If you have installed AppleShare IP 6.0 on Mac OS 8.1, and are upgrading to both AppleShare IP 6.1 and Mac OS 8.5.1, follow the instructions that came with your copy of AppleShare IP 6.1, and then apply the Mac OS 8.5.1 update as described above.

For more information, please see the following article: Article 26165: "About Mac OS 8.5.1 Update"

Additionally, you may visit the AppleShare IP site at:

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012