Mac OS: Using "Browse the Internet" To AutoLaunch the Internet

I am new to computers, and I am looking to make it as easy as possible. When I click on "Browse the Internet," my Internet browser application starts up and returns a message saying "The attempt to load '' failed." I typically have to use the Remote Access program to make the connection first. Is there a way to click on "Browse the Intenet" and have it work automatically? I guess I'm looking for a one-click solution for getting the phone connection to dial automatically.
If a network connection is not established prior to launching your Internet browser, it is normal for the browser to return an error message. The message "The attempt to load 'http:' failed." is common for Microsoft's Internet Explorer. It is trying to load the home page and does not have a connection. When Netscape Navigator is defined as the default browser, it returns a similar but more cryptic error message, "Netscape was unable to create a network socket connection...."

The one-click solution can be achieved by making some changes to the setup in the Apple Remote Access application.

Figure 1: The Options window.

Now every time the "Browse the Internet" button is clicked, the phone connection will dial automatically and attempt to establish the Internet connection first before launching the default browser.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012