AppleWorks 2.0: Memory Management on the Apple IIGS

The topic discusses how AppleWorks performs memory management on the Apple IIGS.
After recognizing that it is running on an Apple IIGS, AppleWorks 2.0 uses the built-in memory manager to allocate all memory use. If the Apple IIGS is cold started, several of the tools in ROM are initialized and given small portions of memory for their own use. These tools include the Tool Locator, Memory Manager, and Desktop Manager. Also, the RAMDisk is defined, either as the number specified as the 'Minimum RAMDisk size' or 10K, whichever is larger.

When AppleWorks runs, it starts by allocating most of the first 64K bank and portions of the second 64K for itself. The rest of the memory remains free, available for expansion by the AppleWorks desktop and the RAMDisk.

Therefore, the amount stated by AppleWorks as 'nK free' is the sum of:
As AppleWorks runs, this nK of free space gets consumed either by AppleWorks, by the RAMDisk, or by add-on accessory programs.

AppleWorks allocates memory to:
As in all earlier versions, AppleWorks removes portions of itself from its portion of RAM if the memory is needed to store data files.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012