1. Create a folder on the AppleShare server named At Ease Server, At Ease Folder, At Ease Volume or some other similar name.
2. Create a new AppleShare user, using the AppleShare administrative program and name the user At Ease User, At Ease Admin, or some other similar name. This user needs to be a standard user without administrative privileges.
3. Share the volume you created on the server and assign the newly created AppleShare user to that volume. Give the user read and write privileges to the volume.
4. At this point you may place any items that you or your users may need to have access to from At Ease in the folder you created on the AppleShare server.
5. At the At Ease administrators workstation, launch the At Ease Admin program, which will open the "At Ease Helper" window. Follow the instructions in the window for selecting your server, volumes to be accessed, printers to be accessed, workstations you may want to connect to the server, and creating users and workgroups. When finished click the "On" radio button to turn At Ease on. If there are other customizations that you would like to make, click the button at the bottom of the window that states "Click this button to go to At Ease Administration window".
Note: When creating users in the "At Ease Helper", make sure you create a user for the administrator and give it administrator privileges.
Please see the Apple Network Administrators Toolkit 2.0 manual for information on how to make further changes to (or customize) At Ease.