LaserWriter 8.6: Difficulty Printing To GCC Printers

After installing Mac OS 8.5, my Macintosh is having difficulties printing to my GCC PostScript printer. When I send a print job to the printer, the printer indicates it is receiving the job but it does not print it. Other times after I select to print a document my Macintosh displays the error -8925 or -8993.
The networking code that LaserWriter 8, version 8.6 uses is not fully compatible with GCC printers. Symptoms include:

Mac OS 8.6 resolves the issues described above.


If you do not wish (or cannot) upgrade to Mac OS 8.6, then you may use LaserWriter 8.5.1 rather than LaserWriter 8.6 when printing to GCC printers. Directions follow:

Step 1
Download the six LaserWriter 8.5.1 disk images from Apple Software Updates.

Step 2
Mount the six LW_8.5.1 images, review the "Before You Install" Read Me on disk 1, then launch the Installer on disk 1.

Step 3
A splash screen is displayed that reads 'Apple LaserWriter 8.5.1 Installer:'. Click Continue.

Step 4
When the Software License Agreement is displayed, click on agree if you agree with the terms of the license agreement.

Step 5
The window titled 'Installer Script' provides you the option to select a destination disk to install this software. Verify which disk you wish to install LaserWriter 8.5.1 onto.

Step 6
In the 'Installer Script' window are the options to 'Easy Install,' 'Custom Install' or 'Custom Remove:'. Select 'Custom Install.'

Step 7
Check the radio box next to 'Printer Software for all Mac OS Computers.'

Step 8
The installer will compare the printing software already present on your hard drive (presumably LW 8.6) with the version you are about to install (LW 8.5.1) and will display many alerts that read: "The file "XXX XXX" already on "your HD" is newer than what you are about to install. Click Newer to keep the newer file, Older to replace that file, or Cancel to stop the installation."
Step 9
Once the Installation of LaserWriter 8.5.1 is complete, you will be asked to restart your Macintosh.

Step 10
The LaserWriter 8 driver uses PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files to determine your PostScript printers' characteristics such as paper-handling capabilities, the number of paper trays and capacity, the paper sizes they handle, and so on. Therefore, you may wish copy the specific PPD for your printer to the Printer Description folder (located in the Extensions folder inside the System Folder), prior to choosing and setting up your printer with the Chooser. The PPD for your GCC printer may be obtained from the software that accompanied your printer or the newest version may be obtain from GCC. Should you not have the specific PPD for your GCC printer, you may use the 'Generic' PPD.

After installing LaserWriter 8.5.1 and selecting your printer by using the Chooser, you should be able to print to your GCC printer once again.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012