For the patch, you may view the receipt using the Here are the steps:
1. From the Apple menu, choose Server Administration, then
2. From within, select Open from the Packages menu
and navigate to /Local/Library/Receipts/MacOSXServer 1.0-1.pkg.
3. In the resulting window, verify that the status is "installed".
For the QTSS release, you may view the receipt as above, choosing QTSS.pkg. you may also verify installation from the
In a terminal window, type the following:
QuickTimeStreamingServer -v
After the release version is installed, you will see:
[hostname:~/updates_4.21] root# QuickTimeStreamingServer -v
QTSS/v66 Built on: Apr 16 1999, 18:10:07
-d: Run in the foreground
-l: For each RTP stream, write a log of all timestamps & sequence numbers
-r: Don't append any random offsets to timestamps & sequence numbers
-p XXX: Specify the default RTSP listening port of the server