Mac OS X Server 1.2: How to Limit QuickTime Streaming to a Specific IP Address

Does QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) support binding to a specific IP address and/or multihoming?
Note: The steps below only apply to Mac OS X Server version 1.2.

With the default configuration, QuickTime Streaming Server is available on all configured interfaces and IP addresses; a multiport server would have QuickTime Streaming Server available to clients connecting to any interface. Using the NetInfo property "bind_ip_addr" and the steps below, the server can be configured to serve from only one of the server's IP addresses. At this time this method allows only for restricting to a single IP address (not exclusive multihoming).


Step One
Pull down the Apple menu, choose Server Administration, and open Open Authenticate yourself as root if you are not currently the root user. Verify that the window title includes "local@[hostname]"

Step Two
Navigate to /services/QuickTimeStreamingServer. In the lower portion of the window the properties are displayed. Locate the property "bind_ip_addr" and in the column to the left (under Values) double click and add the IP address on which QuickTime Streaming Server should be available. Save.

Step Three
Verify that the change remains. Restart QuickTime Streaming Server.

Command line

Step One
Open su to root if you are not already root.

Step Two
At the command prompt type:

niutil -appendprop . /services/QuickTimeStreamingServer bind_ip_addr [desiredipaddress]

Step Three
Confirm the information added using:

niutil -read . /services/QuickTimeStreamingServer

The property "bind_ip_addr" should be followed by the address. Restart QuickTime Streaming Server.

After changing the property and restarting QuickTime Streaming Server, clients should be able to connect to the server only with the specified IP address.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012