PowerBook: Scheduled Sleep

I scheduled my PowerBook to go to sleep every day at 3:00 PM, but sometimes it does not go to sleep at that time. Why is this?
First, let us be clear on what is being discussed. This article discusses scheduled sleep, which is available in the Energy Saver control panel from the Scheduled Wakeup & Sleep panel. Here you can schedule the PowerBook to sleep every day, weekends, or weekdays at a certain time. This is different from idle sleep, which puts the PowerBook to sleep after one to fifteen minutes of inactivity.

The PowerBook may not go to sleep if the system thinks you are still using the computer. If you have scheduled the PowerBook to sleep at 3:00 PM, but you were using it at 2:55 PM, the system will delay the sleep time by at least twenty minutes to give you time to finish up your work.

In summary, if you schedule the PowerBook to sleep one minute from now, it won't go to sleep for about twenty minutes assuming you don't use it during that period.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012