Since jobs may become stalled when queuing up multiple jobs to these printers, consider printing one job at a time when printing to these printers, waiting for the last job to complete before printing the next job. Or, you can print in the foreground.
Prior versions of the LaserWriter driver (version 8.5.1 for instance) will likely not exhibit this behavior with this Lexmark printer so you might consider using that print software instead. Though LaserWriter 8.5.1 was not formally tested with Mac OS versions newer than Mac OS 8.5, customers have reported success using it with Mac OS 8.6.
Installing LaserWriter 8.5.1 Software
2. Make all six LW_8.5.1 images available on the desktop.
- Review the Before You Install Read Me on disk 1
3. Open the Installer on disk 1.
- A splash screen is displayed.
4. Click Continue.
- The Software License Agreement is displayed
5. Click Agree if you agree with the terms of the license agreement, or Disagree if you do not agree with the terms of the license agreement.
- If you do not agree with the terms of the license agreement, the software installer will not install the software.
- The window titled Installer Script appears. It provides the option to select a destination disk to install this software.
6. Verify which disk onto which you wish to install LaserWriter 8.5.1. Make any necessary changes to the destination disk.
- In the Installer Script window are the options: Easy Install, Custom Install or Custom Remove.
7. Select Custom Install.
8. Click the "Printer Software for all Mac OS Computers" button.
- The installer compares the printing software already present on your hard drive with the version you are installing (LW 8.5.1). Several alerts that state: "The file 'XXX XXX' already on 'your HD' is newer than what you are about to install" appear.
9. Click Newer to keep the newer file, Older to replace that file, or Cancel to stop the installation.
- When the alert references the file 'LaserWriter 8': click Older.
- When the alert references the file 'PrintingLib', click Older.
- Click Newer when the alert references: Printer Selector, Desktop Printer Spooler, or Desktop PrintMonitor.
Once the Installation of LaserWriter 8.5.1 is complete you'll be asked to restart your Macintosh.
10. Restart your computer.
The PPD for your Lexmark printer may likely be obtained from the software that accompanied your printer, from Lexmark directly.
Unsupported Workaround
Yet another (but unsupported) alternative is to disable the use of Open Transport when printing to Lexmark printers from LaserWriter 8, version 8.6 or later. This is done using a programming utility such as ResEdit that not all customers may feel comfortable using. It must be used with caution as it could render software and thus your Macintosh inoperable. The ResEdit utility is an unsupported application.
ResEdit is available for download from the following site:
To Disable OT PAP for LaserWriter 8, version 8.6 or later:
2. Open ResEdit.
3. Open PrintingLib in ResEdit. (PrintingLib is located in the Extensions folder.)
- The PrintingLib window contains many Icons with names like BNDL, hdlg, PREC, and so on.
4. Double-click the icon named PRF2 located in the PrintingLib window.
5. Double-click the resource named -8192.
6. Scroll down the -8192 window until you see "Okay to use Open Transport PAP."
7. Click the "0" button.
8. Close the windows, saving the changes
9. Quit ResEdit.
To undo disabling OT PAP, use one of these methods: