At Ease 4.x, 5.x: Cannot Open File On Shared Volume

I have a folder that is shared on the server. However, the folder and its files are not accessible from my At Ease client workstation. When I use an application's File menu and choose Open to open a file within that shared folder, the folder is either dimmed, or if not dimmed, I cannot select any of the files inside. Can you help?
The proper way to provide users the ability to open files within a shared folder is to:

  1. Share a folder on the server and provide the At Ease User privileges to it. See the following article for information on the recommended way to set up At Ease:

    Article 31035: "At Ease 4 or 5: AppleShare IP Initial Setup"

  2. On the admin computer, enable the volume (the folder shared on the server) for access using "Access to Volumes". Note: In Access to Volumes use Volume Settings to select whether you want the user to use their own AppleShare user names to log in or allow access through a single user such as "At Ease User" which will prevent them from having to log in twice.
  3. For each workgroup that you wish to provide access to this volume, select Edit Workgroup, and add the volume that you want to be shared using the Server button.
  4. Place a check mark on "Apply users' AppleShare user access privileges" on the same Server pane.

If "Apply user's AppleShare user access privileges" is not selected (the default), At Ease allows users only to open files on the volumes you've selected to mount when they log in. They cannot copy items to or from the volumes, and they cannot see the volumes when they open or save documents in an application.

If "Apply user's AppleShare user access privileges" is selected, At Ease allows users to access the volumes using their AppleShare access privileges. Depending on their privileges, users may be able to copy items to and from the volumes, and to the volumes when they open or save documents in an application.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012