While going through the At Ease to Macintosh Manager transition, you receive an error stating that you cannot connect to the volume containing user documents and preferences. See Figures 1 and 2. Additionally, the volume name that appears in the error dialog box may not be one that was in the At Ease Access to Volumes list prior to the transition.
Figure 1 "Unable to Mount" dialog box
Figure 2 "An Error Occurred" dialog box
This article references the At Ease to Macintosh Manager Transition document. It is available from the Apple Software Updates Web site at http://www.apple.com/swupdates.
A faulty Setup Preferences file causes this error. Follow these steps to recover from this error and successfully transition from At Ease to Macintosh Manager:
2. Restore the At Ease Items WG 5.0 folder from the backup that you made.
3. Move the At Ease Server Preferences file back into the Preferences folder.
4. Restart the server computer.
5. In AppleShare IP, open the Privileges window for the At Ease shared folder. Make your initial At Ease User the Owner of this share point with read/write access, then select "Copy these privileges to all enclosed folders."
6. Remove the file "Setup Preferences" from the At Ease Items WG 5.0 folder.
7. Open At Ease Administration. This creates a new Setup Preferences file with the default settings.
8. Enter the access to Volumes and Access to Printer information again.
9. Verify the Volumes and Printers tabs of each Workgroup in At Ease Admin.
10. Check the Workgroup Data Volume and Special Folders settings to make sure they are correct.
Once these settings have been restored as they were previously, you can quit At Ease Admin and continue with Step 3 of the transition document.