Macintosh Finder: How View Affects File Opening Order

TOPIC --------------------------------------------

Why is it that when I surround multiple files in the Macintosh Finder 6.X with
a selection rectangle, and then choose Open from the File menu, the order in
which files open varies?

DISCUSSION ----------------------------------------

When you use the selection rectangle (also called a "marquee" or "marching
ants"), the "View" you have selected affects the order in which the files
open. Here are the view selections and their results:

* By Icon or By Small Icon: The most recently added, moved, clicked on,
or changed file opens last. The next most recently added, moved,
clicked on, or changed file opens NEXT to last,an so on.

* By Name: The files open in descending alphabetical order; for example,
"Zero" would open after "Alice".

* By Date: The files open in last-modified date order; that is, the most
recently modified file opens last.

* By Size: The files open in size order, smallest file opening last.

* By Kind: The files open in alphabetical order based on the kind of
file. For example, a document file opens after an application file.

* By Color: The files open according to the color of their icons, based
on the order of colors in the Finder's Color menu. The last color in
the list opens last.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012