Apple IIGS: Using LaserWriters via AppleTalk

The Apple IIGS can print to the PostScript devices LaserWriter,
LaserWriter Plus, LaserWriter IINT, and LaserWriter IINTX. Because the
Apple IIGS ImageWriter Emulator isn't compatible with the System Tools 5.0
Laser Prep files for the Macintosh, the IIGS must download its Prep file
and reinitialize the printer if you're using the newer Prep files on the

Because the Apple IIGS' QuickDraw II differs from Macintosh QuickDraw,
there is currently no driver for the Apple IIGS that would let it print
to the LaserWriter IISC, as SCSI/QuickDraw device; and Apple has no plans
for one.

The IIGS Chooser is being modified for use with the ImageWriter LQ over

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012