System Software 5.0 Installer Works Only On Its Own System File

The System Software 5.0 Installer works only with System files that are
exact copies of the System file included on the Installer disk.

When you use the Installer to install the System folder onto a disk, only
the files and resources necessary for the Macintosh system you are
installing for are copied to that disk. There are more resources in the
System file on the Installer disk than the System file it installs on
another disk. The error

error -192, Can't find Scrapbook file for Macintosh xx Installer

is generated when the Installer tries to find a particular resource (the
Scrapbook in this example) that is not present in the "installed" System

The only workaround is to "drag copy" the System file from the Installer
disk to your hard disk. The Installer should then function correctly.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012